The Simple Joys of Life

Pink Lemonade, pink sunsets, pink peonies, the simple joys of summer and of life. This new Flower Flash Box is simply meant to lift spirits. Over the last few days, LMD has been trying to find balance and do the next right thing. I am proud to write that since we launched this Flower Flash Box on April 4th, in the midst of Covid, LMD has raised over $50K for charity.We have donated to the United Way, to the Greater New York Hospital Association and to Your Mom Cares. We are now directing our attention to the Black Lives Matter movement. Words are important, actions are imperative. We will keep doing our part, we will keep Flower Flashing for good and for change! And we will keep offering up the most beautiful blossoms of the season in the hopes they bring joy and life into your homes. Click the link to shop:


Summer Sparklers


Dutch Blue